The Ho&Me solution

Ho&me is a collaborative and reassuring interface between the patient and the medical team.

Through a continuous relationship with human sensitivity, ho&me can provide information in a regular and context-sensitive way.

It is also a data analysis tool that can establish correlations and make predictions helping the medical team in its clinical research and the evolution of its practice.

More below!

Multi-domain and
multi-specialty platform

Ho&me is the ideal platform for the therapeutic education of your patients, but also for their pre and postoperative follow-up in rheumatology, nutrition, digestive surgery, health at work and others.

Personalized, motivational and incentive-based interactions

Support and listening are inherent in a patient's recovery. By facilitating the exchange between the medical staff and the patient, Ho&me offers a permanent and reassuring follow-up and better patient autonomy.

The return home after surgery is facilitated, and the patient in therapy is supported with playful and motivational follow-up surveys.

A reassuring method for patients!

100% secure interface

Patient medical data, contextualized surveys, personalized protocols, consultation forms... Ho&me brings together all the tools necessary for ongoing medical support in a single secure interface, at a certified health data host

A Unique interface


Data Collection

Medical data

Health Card reading with Ingenico ® brand boxes (identity monitoring)

Personalized medical support

Contextualized surveys and personalized protocols

Consultation forms

Generation of documents (pre-configured) at the end of a consultation

Automated calculation of scores

An ongoing exchange

Instant messaging

Connected objects


An evolving motivational tool

Coming soon...

Educational mini games: quizzes and personal challenges

Sharing space

Voice assistance

What Ho&Me brings?

… for caregivers

Time saving

Continuous medical monitoring

Secure data collection

Data analysis by AI

… For patients

A personalized care plan

Support on a daily basis

The possibility of communicating at any time with the medical staff